Vitamins and Immunity

Vitamins and Immunity

Did you know that vitamins play a key role in encouraging your immune system to protect and heal your body? That’s right! Vitamins A, C, E and the B vitamins, help to ensure you have everything your body needs to protect you against environmental oxidative stress at an innate and cellular level.  If you’ve got a poor diet, vitamins can be a great way to replace what’s missing and ensure that you’re meeting your daily nutrition requirements. There are some steps you can take to make sure you’re getting enough to help your immune system protect you from infections and diseases. Try these top tips for ensuring you’re getting everything you need.

Step 1: Take inventory of your vitamins.

Are you getting enough vitamin A, C, E and B6?  Each of these are important for your immunity. You’ll also want to make sure you’re getting enough zinc, selenium, iron and copper.

Step 2: Talk to your medical professional

To make sure your levels are correct for your body and your specific case. They’ll be able to test you to make sure you’re getting enough and that you aren’t deficient in any of those important areas.

Step 3: Take action.

Once you know what your body needs, change to a healthier diet to ensure your immune system is getting everything it needs to be healthy.

Step 4: Keep it up.

Continue to make healthier changes that impact your immune system. Wash your hands, get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, exercise and meditate to make sure you’re functioning at the ultimate level.

Your Gut Is In Control
Probiotics are live microorganisms that live in your gut and help you stay healthy in several different ways. They aid your body’s immune response, help your gut live in balance with the other microorganisms in there and help restore a harmonious balance to a digestive system that was once destroyed. If you’re having any gut discomfort like bloating, gas, or upset stomach, then your gut health could be the reason. Your stomach contains both good and bad bacteria that live in a happy equilibrium. When the balance gets disrupted, it can lead to a slew of problems like inflammation and more serious problems. Don’t worry! There are steps you can take to battle the bad bacteria and restore your gut to a more balanced state.

Step 1: Add special probiotics.

Probiotics are great for your gut health. They have been known to reduce inflammation, help with urinary issues and combat gastrointestinal problems. The most common kinds are lactobacilli, commonly seen as lactobacillus acidophilus or lactobacillus GG) and bifidobacteria and Saccharomyces boulardii, found as a yeast. Many of these aid in digestion and you might find them through supplementation and in fortified yogurts, cheeses and certain pickled veggies.

Step 2: Incorporate prebiotics into your diet.

Prebiotics are like food for your healthy gut probiotics. They feed on them and this helps them control the balance in your stomach. You can get them through food or supplementation.

Step 3: Block Lectins.

These little proteins are found in plants and can’t be digested by humans. Instead they bind to your cellular walls and can cause inflammation and GI tract issues. They are found in red kidney beans, soybean, wheat, peanut butter and certain nightshades, like tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and peppers. Thankfully, most are eliminated through cooking.