The Power of Prebiotics: What They Are And Why You Need Them

These days, you hear a lot about the benefits of probiotics. This set of “good bacteria” is touted as being a wonderful way to help promote optimal wellness throughout your body. But are you familiar with the topic of prebiotics? How are they different from probiotics? Do you know how prebiotics can help your body stay healthy and happy? Let’s investigate the differences in these two terms and why they’re both so important to incorporate into your daily diet. 

What are probiotics?

First, let’s get a good understanding of what exactly probiotics are and how they benefit our bodies. Probiotics are classified as a type of living bacteria that are naturally created through a fermentation process. They are found in various foods including yogurt, kefir, miso and kimchi. You can also find them in capsule form and as an added ingredient in various types of health drinks. Probiotics are commonly found in groups that include Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, with each group comprised of various beneficial strains. These helpful living organisms have been shown to help with a variety of health issues. The most well-known of these is the promotion of good gut health. Probiotics have also been shown to assist in the reduction of inflammation, help to boost our moods and promote strong immune function.

What are prebiotics?

Prebiotic fiber is a type of plant fiber that is non-digestible. This is different than most of the fiber you consume on a daily basis, which your body breaks down and easily digests. Prebiotic fiber enters your small intestine in undigested form, fermenting when it reaches the large colon. This fermentation process is beneficial because it feeds the good bacteria in your gut. In turn, it helps to promote a large amount of the good bacteria to thrive, ultimately promoting a healthy digestive system. Prebiotics are an important part of the digestive process as they support overall gut health in addition to promoting wellness throughout your body. In fact, research has shown that the prebiotic fructooligosaccharide (FOS) can promote intestinal health by helping Acidophilus (a common form of probiotic) thrive in our gut. The source of FOS (which is known as Inulin) helps to keep our digestive system healthy by promoting the growth of another common form of probiotic (Bifidobacterium).

How can you incorporate prebiotics in your daily diet?

Believe it or not, you may already be unknowingly incorporating prebiotics into your daily diet! This special type of carbohydrate fiber is typically found in foods like artichokes, bananas, onions, and even legumes! That being said, most of us struggle with getting our daily recommended intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Afterall, we lead busy lives and cooking healthy meals can be costly and time consuming. That’s why it’s so important to take a supplement that includes prebiotic fiber in the list of ingredients.

Why GoBiotix Prebiotic Fiber Boost?

I recommend including GoBiotix Prebiotic Fiber Boost into your daily wellness routine. This prebiotic boost of fiber is packed with clinically-proven fibers that help to support the good bacteria within your gut. I love that this product is organic and food-based, rich in both micro and macro-nutrients to promote overall wellness in your body. All you do is add a scoop of this beneficial powder to your smoothie, juice or glass of water.  By including this supplement into your routine, you give your gut the leg-up it needs to stay healthy. In addition to promoting gut health, GoBiotix Prebiotic Fiber Boost has been shown to increase energy levels in the body naturally! Need a little recipe inspiration to start including this supplement into your diet? Check out this easy and delicious smoothie recipe, packed with fiber and beneficial nutrients.

Fabulous Fiber-Filled Smoothie – Serves 1

Add the following ingredients to your blender and process until smooth.

  • 1 cup nut milk
  • 1 banana
  •  ½ cup organic berries
  •   ¼ cup old fashion oats
  •  1 Tbsp raw honey
  • 1 handful of leafy greens
  • 1 Tbsp chia or flax seeds (optional)